I suppose that something ought to be said about the naming of The R Factor. Art & Design in the way that it seems pretty random.
My name of course is a beginning point for The R Factor (Roberto Rivera) though it moves closer in from that (or more wider as the case may be).
At a point in time we each of us experience different levels of epiphanies and Realizations that move us away from something and towards something else, in another direction if you will. Sometimes that involves a clearing out of old stuff before the new things can have a solid place...it could be called a Renovation or Reestablishment of some basic ground that allows us a new beginning. Kind of like cleaning a closet or renovating a space, the old needs to go so that the Replacement of the new can be Realized.
In many ways the preface of "Re-" signifies that Re-adjustment of attitude or Re-entry of a space, leaving us new starts and new beginning points from which we can Remove the old substance and Reconnect with the grounding Principals of new Points.
How fun is that.
I moved my blogsite to: http://therfactorartdesign.wordpress.com
I appreciate your comments!
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